Sunday, December 4, 2011

Socioeconomic Diversity Stories Project

Hey there!

Did you see one of our "dollars" with a story about income, class, or socioeconomic status? Thanks for following the link to learn more!

We're Connect 4, a student group at WashU that tries to advance diversity, dialogue, understanding and change. Some C4 initiatives include Party of Six, which takes a group of 6 strangers out to dinner on the loop to try to build connections among students from different backgrounds, and Mix it Up Day, a free lunch each semester that provides a similar opportunity for dialogue and understanding. We have weekly meetings that are open to anyone. Sometimes we use meetings to plan initiatives like this project, and sometimes we have discussions on topics related to diversity and social justice. New ideas excite us, and we'd love to have you come out and share your thoughts with us!

Our latest initiative is this stories project. The goal is to help students understand each other's backgrounds. The point is to generate dialogue, so don't keep your thoughts to yourself! Do you have a reaction to the dollar bill you're holding? Talk to a friend about it. Or, feel free to comment on this post. The WashU community will benefit from the conversation.

Do you have a story of your own to share? Submit one using this link! We'll post it here on the blog. We understand that reading or sharing stories can be difficult, and we encourage you to take advantage of free counseling sessions at Student Health Services if you need ( or 314.935.6666).

Finally, if you find yourself interested in socioeconomic diversity and want to improve socioeconomic diversity at WashU, check out WU/fused: We can help you get in contact with their group if you need, so feel free to email

Here follow some of the stories that are circulating around campus (more to come soon):

New Exec Board for Spring 2012!

Hello Connect4 Members!

Your Spring 2012 Exec Board:

President: Camille Young
Vice President: Varsha Mangal
Treasurer: Adam Cheng
Secretary: Andreas Mitchell
Publicity: June Jennings

Keep a look out this week for our Socioeconomic diversity initiative, which starts December 5th!

Have a great day!
- Connect4 Exec Board