Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We "Need More Players!" in Connect 4!

We are looking for a core group of committed students who would be interested in joining us in the Need More Players initiative, and we want you!

Image by "Mark" from Flickr.

Need More Players is a new initiative in Connect 4 led by member, Andreas Mitchell, that seeks to bring students together through spontaneous game playing around campus. We crash popular places like the DUC, Whispers, Sofoho, etc with a group of people, start playing a game and have people join in! The core group for NMP would do the following: - Be down to play whenever we "Need More Players!" - Help us identify prime locations, games, and times to play. - Help us Rally others for games prior to and during game-play. - Help us identify other cool peeps who would want to be a part of the core group. - HAVE FUN!

Click the link below to visit the form! 

Monday, December 28, 2009

C4 Winter Break Update #2

We're only a few days away from the new year, and I am so excited about the things that are underway for our group this upcoming semester! I've been able to reach most of you about initiatives... and life, lol... but for those of you who I haven't yet, expect an email or FB posts and stuff from me soon. :)
Here's this week's update:

Most have responded, and thus far everyone except one person is able to meet Thursdays at 9pm. If there are no strong objections or consistent conflicts going on at this time throughout next semester, I would like to finalize this as our weekly meeting time. 
Please express concerns now! The second and only other really common availability is Sunday at 8pm, but three people have conflicts. 
ACTIVITIES FAIR| JANUARY 27, 4:30-6:30PM IN THE AC. (put it in your cals!) 
We are signed up!!! We will have sign ups for shifts as we get closer to the date, but if you are leading a C4 initiative, please start thinking about any handouts/mkt materials that would be needed so that we can get the PR team and members creating them! :D
I have been busy this break working on things, and one is a new networking site for creative/innovative WU students to share/launch initiatives/projects/ideas for causes that affect us on and off campus. It is called The Creative Catalysts Network, and I would like to invite all of you to join! There is already a C4 page on it as well as the Need More Players initiative that Andreas will be leading, so check it out, add your initiatives/ideas, and enjoy!
The page can be visited at http://thecatalysts.ning.com.
I hope that you all received and read the email that Wanda sent this past week about addressing assault on campus. If not, it's attached. Please let her know if you are interested in helping her and other students address this on campus, AND (personal plug) to help get more students involved, create an Initiatives page for it on The Catalysts! 
Remember that the date for posing and addressing concerns on the Google doc is January 3, followed by January 10 for the first draft. Please refer to the initial legislation email for more info. 
I have contacted most of you about the projects/ and initiatives that you have agreed to lead this semester. Please use this break to hash out some core details, goals, and plans before we return to school. I will be Skyping and Waving with some of you soon, so I look forward to that! If others have issues and causes that you would like help working on that deal with an area of diversity/dialogue/awareness/understanding on campus, please let me know. C4 is a great place to address these things, and we have many resources for helping to bring about change on campus, so let's do it!
I hope that you guys have fabulous New Years! 

SU Legislation, Winter Break Update

SU Legislation, Winter Break Update

Connect 4 Legislation Meeting (12/11/09)
Purpose: Connect 4 to be established as an Executive Committee of SU
[page 1] Benefits and Expressed Concerns
[page 2] Proposal and Legislation Statutes
[page 3] TO DO list and Timeline
Benefit of Higher SU Recognition
    Financial security
    Power of programming (more publicity, and various campus outlets, more participation from the general student body)
    Have more to gain from working with executives of what is going on on campus
    More legitimacy for programming by becoming a part of the exec branch
    Institutionalization in SU will allow Connect 4 to more stabilized.
    More student and administrative cooperation on diversity policies
    Allows direct involvement in and support of groups and new initiatives like WUFUSED that share similar goals. Such groups could be subsumed underneath the “Department of Connect 4” if group leaders desire.
Expressed Concerns of SU Merger
    Confusion to the role of what the role of C4 will be
    Bureaucracy fears with dealing with SU
    Connect 4 constantly transitioning into different levels and roles on campus
    Instability of SU
      Not necessarily true
          Senate is very strong
          SU Senate has been the most stable than they have ever been
          Execs change on a yearly basis

To Define within the Proposal and Legislation
      Purpose and Goals
      Address the need on campus
      Create a statute for the occurrence of C4 getting “demoted” as an Executive Committee
    Address appointment/ voting of Exec. Board 
    How are we going to integrate/ address WU/FUSED and other initiatives on campus (should we or shouldn’t we) “Connect 4 should have the power to create task forces”
    Task Forces:  entities forming under the umbrella of C4, makes it very legitimate for people to see maybe re-name it (initiative)
          Issue based task forces and Operation/Programming/ Activities
          Incorporation and working with Orientation
          Ehi thinks it’s a bad idea: too much beaurocracy
    Advisors/ not advisiors
    Create a constitution
    Say exactly what we would be doing (facilitation of programming, ***proposing policy initiatives)
      • Have a legitimate presentation that would address a lot of Senate/Treasury Concerns
Some Proposals
    Connect 4 will maintain its current staff and administrative advisors.
    Connect 4 will maintain two (2) presidents, external and internal.
    Connect 4 members will nominate Connect 4 external and internal presidents. The elected SU President will confirm the appointment of the external president (as a formality).
    The Connect 4 External President will host a diversity affairs role in SU, but will be able to uphold other roles within SU.
    Connect 4 members will be allowed to share roles within the SU Legislative body.
   Connect 4 will be allocated a yearly budget, instead of semesterly.
Chase: concerns with double roles in SU (Perhaps no Connect 4 President can share a second role in Exec Council, maybe legislative branch as well).
Question from Ehi: Will the purpose of Connect 4 be to Connect other groups or to do things autonomously to bring students in? Do BOTH!

Write legislation over winter break.
Have proposal done by the first Connect 4 meeting. Have legislation by early-mid February.
Set a date whereby C4 members read proposal and have answers.
Have VP of Programming advising.
Confirm with Treasury and Senate.
Decide structure and desires of group.
Decide: should we continue to keep the name “Connect 4?”
January 3- Have structural, name, logistical concerns and questions addressed.
January 10- Have first Legislation and Proposal drafts.
January 18, 10pm- Meet again. 

from Wanda, Addressing Assault on Campus

from Wanda, Addressing Assault on Campus

Hi Connect4ians! It's your former co-pres:

I'm sure you all have heard about the
- Hide quoted text -
took place this past weekend. I recently sent an email to a few
students who may be interested in action planning to respond to what
happened (see below). I'm emailing you all because Connect 4 is about
action. If any of you all would be interested in getting involved in an
initiative to respond to this past weekend's assault, please email me @
wandalyn.savala@gmail.com. Also, if you know of anyone who would be
interested, please have them contact me.

 After the assault this past weekend, I forward the story to "Shark Fu,"
> the blogger that runs angryblackbitch.com. Shark Fu is a Saint Louisian
> deeply concerned about issues of women's rights, sexuality, gender equality,
> etc. After I sent the story, she asked if I could reach out to campus
> organizations and students who would be willingly to communicate with her on
> this issue and/or start a plan of action.
>  I want to be involved in the movement to ensure that an assault like this
> never happens again, but since I will be abroad next semester, I can only
> play so much of a role in any response to this incident. The other night, I
> asked De if she knew of anyone who may be interested in taking action in
> response to this event, and she mentioned that you all were concerned about
> women's issues on campus. I am emailing to see if you all had any ideas in
> mind that could be developed as a response to the assault and/or a broader
> effort to raise awareness and better ensure the safety of our community.
>  Of course, as seniors, none of you really have the time to develop and
> implement a plan of action. And as a study abroad student, I would not be
> able to take as active a role in action planning as I'd like. However, we
> can get ideas together and forward them to groups like C.O.R.E, M.O.R.E,

C4 Winter Break Update #1

C4 Winter Break Update #1

Hey guys!
I hope that despite the weather (esp on the east coast) that you guys are enjoying your winterbreaks thus far. I will be writing you all weekly to check in and update you on Connect 4 initiatives, both as a group and individually (for those of you leading initiatives). This is primarily so that we can unitedly utilize this break to stay in communication and prepare adequately for next semester. 
This week's update is an overview, but please fill the whenisgood!!!
1. Meeting Time. I finalized my academic schedule last week (complex process), and I unfortunately will not be able to meet on Wednesday nights next semester. I have pasted awhenisgood.net cal to see what other dates/times will be best to meet. 
Please fill this by NEXT Sunday so that we can change the meeting time with Event Services.
2. SU Legislation. Many of us will be working on this over break. Attached is the current outline (with the timeline) and notes from the Reading Week meeting for it. As always, please express any concerns/suggestions (after reading) or any interests in getting involved.
3. Connect 4 Initiatives! Below is a list of various Connect 4 endeavors that we've committed to, as well as a list of other ideas that we could still consider. If you are leading something, I will contact you individually.
4. Calendar for Next Semester. I will be working to solidify this for our group and will try to have it in Google Cal, iCal, and hardcopy before our first meeting. 
Current Initiatives 
Roundtables (2)- we need topics! 
Soapbox, if we decide to continue it
Operation Understanding WU, Lexi and Camille
Need More Players, Andreas
Racial Profiling, De 
The Stories Project, De (would LOVE and APPRECIATE a PARTNER!)
"Student Plate," Kyle
PreOrientation- Ezelle 
Areas to Address On Campus- need leaders if interested
Greek Life and Diversity Awareness
MultiCultural Potluck and/or Festival (event)
STL Cultural and Food Excursions (ongoing)
MC Weekend 
Religion (with the new Danforth Center for Religion and Politics)
Collaborations with WUSLAM, PRIDE, CORE

Next Steps on Racial Profiling on and Off Campus

Next Steps on Racial Profiling on and Off Campus

ON CAMPUS                                                                                                                                                                       
WU/PD and Racial Profiling   
Voice opinions and open conversation with them.
Schedule a meeting to voice concerns and open conversation.
Have them create a list of requirements they use for suspecting individuals.
Increase transparency.
Diversity Training for WUPD.
Establish what causes students to report others.
Raise student awareness.
Establish reportage system (BRIC).                
BRIC program is outlined.      

RESOURCES Don Strom. Tamara King. Naomi Daradar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
On Campus Student Awareness, Education, and Training    
Freshman year program         
Connect 4 members Camille Young and Lexi Klein are starting an Operation Understanding initiative for freshmen at WU. Connect 4 has budgeted for events for such for next semester.       
RESOURCES Connect 4, Operation Understanding DC.                                                                                                                                                          
            Personal stories exchange.   
            The Stories Project?                                                                                                                                                                           
Learn about other cultures and student groups                                
Provide safe, open means by which to express curiosity about other cultures.
Decrease minority sensitivity to curiosity. Increase understanding.
Celebrate similarities instead of differences                                   
Continue dialogue via non-cultural cultural groups like Connect 4 and One World            
Host diversity trainings and trainers.

Rap Sessions, November 14th.
Mix It Up Day, November 10                                                                                                                                                                                      
Student Interaction and Programming
Have More events that allow students to freely interact and mingle… (some already exist)         
Mix It Up Day 
The Solution                                                                                       
            Have reps from different groups visit other groups                                      
            Connecting students before arriving at WU
            Bear Buddies, Joseph Marcus             
            Reach out to grad schools.                                                                                                                
            Reach-out to those who aren’t in cultural groups                                        
Integrate Greek Life                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Multicultural retreat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Develop Umbrella Group        
SU legislation for Connect 4 to become an executive council with possible institution of a VP of Diversity Affairs in SU                                                 

Take diversity into account when making freshman floors. Use RAs as resources.

MOTHER'S SPECIFIC, LED BY FERNANDO                                                                                                                                                                      
“Mothers will issue a public apology to the students, and managers at the bar will undergo diversity sensitivity and awareness training led by members of the Anti-Defamation League…. Mothers will also hold four charity fundraisers, three at the bar in Chicago and one in St. Louis. The students will determine what charity will receive funds from these events. Senior Class Treasurer Regis Murayi, one of the six students rejected from the bar, said the money will likely go toward a charity that works to promote awareness of race-related issues.” –StudLife                                                                                                                                                                                    
Other Ideas from TownHall
Write an anti-discrimination policy to be disclosed on exterior of bar that provides resources that people can contact should they feel discriminated against while there.... Then, make this more widespread.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
March in the streets with Mother's leading it.
Protest with other Restaurant policy and social justice organizations                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Spearhead a non-discrimination movement.
Use them to spark larger conversation nationally.
Use students’ money from the event to do something positive in community or create a scholarship.
Make them fund outreach.
Lead an anti-discrimination effort, have other businesses sign on, and publish in a major newspaper.                                                                                                                                                                                                               
OFF CAMPUS AWARENESS                                                                                                                                                                  
St. Louis Community        
Spread news in STL community, other STL colleges                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Other Universities   
Facilitate discussions on other campuses. Roger Murayi offered to lead this effort.                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Larger community  
Confront other restaurants and establishments that enforce such policies.                                    Find ways by which to confront the "results" of racism that are being shown in inner city communities.                                                                                                                                        
Educate men of all races, but especially black, that we should never be comfortable, for this can happen to them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                
National Community           
Non Discrimination Legislation in government