Monday, December 28, 2009

SU Legislation, Winter Break Update

SU Legislation, Winter Break Update

Connect 4 Legislation Meeting (12/11/09)
Purpose: Connect 4 to be established as an Executive Committee of SU
[page 1] Benefits and Expressed Concerns
[page 2] Proposal and Legislation Statutes
[page 3] TO DO list and Timeline
Benefit of Higher SU Recognition
    Financial security
    Power of programming (more publicity, and various campus outlets, more participation from the general student body)
    Have more to gain from working with executives of what is going on on campus
    More legitimacy for programming by becoming a part of the exec branch
    Institutionalization in SU will allow Connect 4 to more stabilized.
    More student and administrative cooperation on diversity policies
    Allows direct involvement in and support of groups and new initiatives like WUFUSED that share similar goals. Such groups could be subsumed underneath the “Department of Connect 4” if group leaders desire.
Expressed Concerns of SU Merger
    Confusion to the role of what the role of C4 will be
    Bureaucracy fears with dealing with SU
    Connect 4 constantly transitioning into different levels and roles on campus
    Instability of SU
      Not necessarily true
          Senate is very strong
          SU Senate has been the most stable than they have ever been
          Execs change on a yearly basis

To Define within the Proposal and Legislation
      Purpose and Goals
      Address the need on campus
      Create a statute for the occurrence of C4 getting “demoted” as an Executive Committee
    Address appointment/ voting of Exec. Board 
    How are we going to integrate/ address WU/FUSED and other initiatives on campus (should we or shouldn’t we) “Connect 4 should have the power to create task forces”
    Task Forces:  entities forming under the umbrella of C4, makes it very legitimate for people to see maybe re-name it (initiative)
          Issue based task forces and Operation/Programming/ Activities
          Incorporation and working with Orientation
          Ehi thinks it’s a bad idea: too much beaurocracy
    Advisors/ not advisiors
    Create a constitution
    Say exactly what we would be doing (facilitation of programming, ***proposing policy initiatives)
      • Have a legitimate presentation that would address a lot of Senate/Treasury Concerns
Some Proposals
    Connect 4 will maintain its current staff and administrative advisors.
    Connect 4 will maintain two (2) presidents, external and internal.
    Connect 4 members will nominate Connect 4 external and internal presidents. The elected SU President will confirm the appointment of the external president (as a formality).
    The Connect 4 External President will host a diversity affairs role in SU, but will be able to uphold other roles within SU.
    Connect 4 members will be allowed to share roles within the SU Legislative body.
   Connect 4 will be allocated a yearly budget, instead of semesterly.
Chase: concerns with double roles in SU (Perhaps no Connect 4 President can share a second role in Exec Council, maybe legislative branch as well).
Question from Ehi: Will the purpose of Connect 4 be to Connect other groups or to do things autonomously to bring students in? Do BOTH!

Write legislation over winter break.
Have proposal done by the first Connect 4 meeting. Have legislation by early-mid February.
Set a date whereby C4 members read proposal and have answers.
Have VP of Programming advising.
Confirm with Treasury and Senate.
Decide structure and desires of group.
Decide: should we continue to keep the name “Connect 4?”
January 3- Have structural, name, logistical concerns and questions addressed.
January 10- Have first Legislation and Proposal drafts.
January 18, 10pm- Meet again. 


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