Monday, February 15, 2010

Minutes from the DAC Senate Meeting

Question and answer session

Why is the VP of programming, not vote
Apart of the structure of that was agreed upon

Why do we need this ?
We have groups like "senate"
In what capacity can you do more than senate
Senators graduate and loose interest in what they do
Need something more consistent
Need some thing to be sustained
Senate deals with more with various projects
Not trying to do "more" with senate
Working more with senate to work on what ever will fall in the realm of diverslity on campus
Student groups cannot really sustain excitement for diversity on campus
Student groups doing other thing

For this racial profiling example, how would the DAC react?
Ther is no single committee that works specifically with diversity
People want to do something in the community, but don't know the resources
Can direct students to other resources on campus
About the relationships
Senate is more policy oriented, the DAC
Hard for senate because it is individually project based

Clarify, how is the DAC different than Connect 4?
  • Take a look at the spare slide!
  • Dac is more policy oriented than programming
  • Dac is student union body, pres and treas. Training
  • Helps with overprogramming
  • C4 is events focus,a nd programming focused
  • DAC is more policy recommendation oriented
  • Connect 4 is still anew organization
    • Project based with individual members

Opinion of Roundtable
  • Very successful
  • Talking about how to further relay our end ideas/mission
  • Really helpful perspectives

Thoughts on how Diversity training is not  a programming body?
Dac members would go to another members event
We would Privide the training, not plan the "event" (that will be planned by the student group)

Jill Carneghi
  1. Great thing- institutionalizes ideals of what
  2. 2
  3. Why restrict yourself to no budget?
    1. Might need that one day
    2. Put your money where your mouth is and where your
    3. Look at the OTHER spare slide
    4. If a budget is needed, we could appeal under the executive budget/appeal
    5. Annual operating budget would be 0 for the
    6. In theory: why not have a line item budget

Could Connect 4 be considered a subsidiary comitte?
-dac coprogramming with other individual groups

Senate Discussion
  • Very well presented
  • Having a body which is able to communicate wtievery body on campus
  • Concerns
    • Is there conflictt with DAC providing resources.  Isn't that a VP Programming job
    • Is it more than an advising body
    • Vp programming- is for coordinating non overprogramming
    • Vp programming will advise in the overprogrammming sense
    • Dac is ultimately trying to facilitate programming amongst student groups
  • Just because this isnt a programming boad doesn’t mean that they cannot do anything
  • Can work with student groups
  • Putting on non-budgetary programms
  • Who will continue monitoring the email address for racial profiling incidences
  • Does this legislation reflect what is presented  in the legislation
    • Encourage more programming by other student groups
    • Collaboration
    • That’s why it is in student union

Advertising to the ENTIRE Wash U community

Downside: add more complexity to SU's complex organizational structure
Don’t see what the DAC will be doing  on a week to week basis
A lot of overlap with other organizations
Are there other ways of creating these goals OUTSIDE of the DAC
Purpose slide freaked her out, reads like programming group; should focus mission statement on policy
Ammendment proposed-committee that will address issues and coprogramming
Vote of the ammendment: raising of placards:
See NEW legislation: ammendment has been made

DAC gives a positie vibe

Motion to vote now:7 for voting, opposed:
Back in discussion

Why isn't VP Programming doing this?
Diversity in unclear
This is NOT just about PROGRAMMING
Dac is there for students who will want to start initiatives

More hesitant because it is so simiilar to connect 4
It should be better thought out and do more

Point of clarification
Senate can amend the legislation at any ppoint
There is a lot of oversight between the legislative bodies

How can we (international grad students) program with undergraduates?
Great to have an authority figure to go to
Programming takes a lot of energy
Not having that as a priority will allow that council to focus on reaching out to other graduate students
STL community wants to reach out to Washington University studsents
Will  be able to connect the STL entities, as well as Wash U community

Having a roll call vote on the vote to vote (confusing right)- failed
Actual vote to vote- 13 for, 10 opposed
Abstain 2


Opinions  on dac making its own constitution
Not important to have weekly meetings
Interest in other groups
Cs 40 supports this and want too use this a s a resource (Pat)

Membership question: point of clarification: must have attended one previous meeting
Motion to ammend: change f.1- voting members present instead of entire voting membership (friendly ammendment)

Alex: Concern: too large to have a budget
Rather see the vp  programming appoint a diversity initiatives chair before establishing the DAC
Alof of change

Analogous to the green commitees
Takes time to have this organization to grow
Not hard to twak along the way
Should really pass this,and make sure it passes in tresury
We can tweak this and make this better

DAC is not a passive resource

Question: not enough for the DAC to do
e.g. WU/fused does constant things, even though there is nothing required for big programming each week
Is the dac active or passive?
Interesting point
Argument: fema: only really need for natural disaster and catastrophe, only needed when a catastrophe to happen
Important to have an established structure to step
Have to be planning and working with everyone

Point of clarification c.1-  cabinet can be defined by the constitution (size can change)
Senate was once apart of treasury, and it was brought up (would  senate have anything to do

Need is there!
Don't have a body
Need a figure head
Merits its own organization and inititiave
Vp of programming wouldn't relally focus on diversity and these needs ona daily basis
Helpful to have another group focused solely on this issue

Mike Saksvick
Paralysis by analysis
Need to stop talking about the braod stuff
Constitution wil l work out the details

Vote on the motion: legislation to create diversity affairs council:
Roll call vote 22:2:1
Non-voters: Alex Cooper and Pat Kelley

Treasury will be seeing this next week 


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